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A member registered Aug 16, 2023

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(3 edits)

Came across a 5 letter shrine and couldn't figure out what the hell the word was. It ended up being ZIARA. ZIARA? Are you kidding me?!

I had to write a script to try and figure this one out lol, I don't even think it's in the dictionary.

Also, something will sometimes bug out the shines when switching between keyboard and mouse for hint guessing - when typing on keyboard it just doesn't register in the answer box, but then when you click a letter it will drop it into a later letter slot as if your key presses did put something in the earlier letters.

This is an amazing game and everything, but is there something weighted towards the letter "I"? Every second or third adventure I see a board with 5 "I"s after a few fights, and every time I clear one or two, the game drops the same amount back on the board!